COVID-19 Virus and Heronhurst Windows and Doors Abergavenny

Our Response

In response to the current COVID-19 situation in the UK, I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that Heronhurst has already taken a number of precautionary actions to ensure that we can continue offering the best service for you and your business whilst keeping our team safe

We are following all guidance and advice issued by HM Government, the Welsh Government or Public Health England

Last updated 24th April 2024

No further updates expected, unless circumstances change

Updated 24th April 2024

Ongoing Precautions

Whilst operating normally, and at full speed, with availability back to pre-COVID levels, we continue to take extra precautions, whenever a member of our team shows symptoms as defined by the latest Covid varients

We also continue to benefit from improved hygiene practises implements during the outbreak

Updated 1st October 2023

Ongoing Precautions

Whilst operating normally, and at full speed, with availability back to pre-COVID levels, we continue to take extra precautions, whenever a member of our team shows symptoms as defined by the latest Covid varients

We also continue to benefit from improved hygiene practises implements during the outbreak

Updated 6th August 2022

Full Service

Most services including home visits, installation and in-studio are now running fully, with additional protective measures remaining in place throughout

While no appointments for in-studio are necessary, they remain recommended for the best service and availability guarantee

Updated 13th December 2021

Home and In-Studio Visits

Due to the return to increasing COVID-19 rates, all At-Home Quotations will now be carried out initially from outside the property only, where possible. No samples or visuals will be able to presented at your home

In-Studio visits are socially distanced and by-appointment only

We regularly deep-clean the showroom and all In-Studio products

In-Studio face masks are essential to be worn, unless health reasons dictate otherwise. Masks are available freely from within the studio for visits, should you forget yours, and we ask that hands are sanitised upon entry

Thank you for your co-operation during these difficult times

Updated 11th November 2021


We have now returned to by-Appointment only visits to our Abergavenny Window and Door Studio due to the increasing spread of COVID-19 positive results within the area

This helps keep our team and our customers safer than our usual open-door policy

Our Abergavenny Window and Door Studio will keep in place our Mask Wearing Protection Policy, where every visitor must (unless for health reasons) continue to wear suitable face mask protection

Bring your own, or disposal masks are provided on entry

You can reserve your In-Studio visit here

Also our At-Home service has also reverted to being either external only or un-assisted internal measures (where necessary) from today

You can reserve your At-Home-visit here

We are also closed every Saturday, which will be reviewed early December 2021

Updated 26th August 2021


We have now resumed accepting visitors without an appointment, although still recommend visitors book appointments to avoid long waiting times

Our Abergavenny Window and Door Studio will keep in place our Mask Wearing Protection Policy, where every visitor must (unless for health reasons) continue to wear suitable face mask protection

Bring your own, or disposal masks are provided on entry

You can reserve your visit here

Updated 17th July 2021

In-Studio mask protection remains

As Welsh Government Regulations evolve and opens up, in order to help our team and our customers remain safe, our Abergavenny Window and Door Studio will keep in place our Mask Wearing Protection Policy, where every visitor must (unless for health reasons) continue to wear suitable face mask protection

Bring your own, or disposal masks are provided on entry

We thank you for your continued co-operation during these times

You can reserve your visit here

Updated 12th March 2021

In-Studio is back from Monday 12th April 2021

Inline with Welsh Government Regulations, we are pleased to be able to re-open our Abergavenny Window and Door Studio from Monday 12th April 2021 for by-Appointment Viewings, Quotes and Consultations. Reserve your visit today - it will be good to see you again!

You can reserve your visit here

Updated 11th March 2021

We are expecting a Welsh Government Update regarding widening the scope of how we can quote your Windows and Doors on Friday 12th March 2021

Relaxation of COVID rules expected, but not guaranteed include the return to In-Home Quotation Visits (we have been allowed to carry out Final Survey, Installations and Remedial Works through the "second lockdown" period) and In-Studio Visits (by prior Appointment)

These return to wider options will retain some of the COVID Restrictions, as you would want and expect, including Safe Distance, Face Coverings and Appointment Only visits both at home and in-store to limit the number of people in any one space

This information will be updated as soon as the announcement is made and understood

Updated 8th February 2021

We have resumed At-Home Drive-By (external only) home visits for Quotations, inline with current FENSA guidelines, where remote or digital quotation services are not possible

Installations and Technical Surveys following order are currently unaffected subject to compliance with the regulations regarding safety, PPE and other regulations. Our team will be in touch with every client to confirm their installation

Updated 19th December 2020

All at-home, in-studio and in-person quotations are now paused until further notice

You can still obtain remote quotes or talk with us

Installations are currently unaffected subject to compliance with the regulations regarding safety, PPE and other regulations. Our team will be in touch with every client to confirm their installation

Updated 22nd October 2020

Welsh Government Issues New Information on Working in Homes

The Welsh Government appears to have updated its guidance on whether or not tradespeople can work in people’s homes. The latest advice issued is as follows:

New Projects

  • Work carried out in people’s homes, for example by tradespeople, can continue as long as it is managed in a safe way and both the worker and household members are well and have no symptoms of coronavirus. However, we recommend that people consider whether the work can be safely deferred until after this short lockdown
  • Like other businesses, people working in someone else’s home must take all reasonable measures to mitigate the risk of coronavirus spreading when working in other people’s households. Please see the guidance on reasonable measures and on working in other people’s homes for more information
  • It is also recommended that no work should be carried out in any household where someone is isolating, unless it is to repair a fault which poses a direct risk to people’s safety – for example, emergency plumbing, or carry out an adaptation to allow that household to remain in their property. If attendance is unavoidable (because of an urgent or emergency), additional precautions should be taken to keep workers and householders separate from each other.  In these cases, Public Health Wales can provide advice to tradespeople and households. But no work should be carried out by a tradesperson who has coronavirus symptoms, however mild

On-going Projects

  • Work underway can continue if it is managed in a safe way and both the worker and household members are well and have no symptoms of coronavirus. However, we recommend that people consider whether the work can be safely deferred until after this short lockdown

The Studio Showrooms and At-Home Quotations

Our understanding is that showrooms and offices should be closed during the Firebreak Lockdown Period. To comply with the spirit of these regulations, our showrooms and offices will be closed from 5pm on Friday 23rd October 2020 through until 9am on Monday 9th November 2020

However, using our secure digital cloud and remote telephone service, we will be available 10am though 4pm Monday to Friday to help with any new quotations, process orders, register after-sales warranty claims, book surveys and more while working safely from home

You can get in touch the way you prefer from

You can also

We are running on a reduced team with different resources during this time, please be patient and leave a message if your call or chat isn't answered immediately, and we will get back to you promptly

Updated 19th October 2020

Following the latest Welsh Government Guidelines, from 5pm Friday 23rd October 2020, our Sales and Quotation Service will only be offered remotely via telephone, online or via digital chat, Zoom or Google Meet Services - reserve your quotation here

Updated 14th September 2020

All visitors to our Abergavenny Window and Door Studio, including staff when not at designated safe areas working alone, must wear protective face masks or position themselves behind protective screens as required under guidance from the Welsh Government

Ecemption is only allowed when a valid health reason allows

Updated 30th July 2020

Due to Covid-19 Virus our services are a little different

Our Survey, Installation and Aftersales Service re-start Monday 1st June 2020, with some limitations and strict social distancing and improved hygiene practices in place across our business

Showrooms visits are now strictly by appointment only - you can book online here

The easiest way to contact us is still online - Get A Quote Online, request Aftersales Service Online or Pay your Account Online

Initial Announcement

Business active

  • Following the Government Announcement of the 24th March 2020 and to help ensure to health of our team and our clients, we have today paused our business until it is safe and advised to re-open

For on-going orders

  • We have reviewed our entire supply chain and are confident in our supply of all materials to meet demand
  • We have fully prepared for office teams to start working remotely where possible, ensuring we can still offer our services whilst preventing the spread of the virus amongst our team
  • We have introduced our Drive-by Quotation Service for Windows and Doors which enables you to get a firm quotation for your Windows and Doors, without having to have someone in your home - find out more here

The Team

  • We tempreture check each morning every member of our team
  • We have introduced a clear travel policy, meaning we are fully aware of all travel arrangements our team has
  • We have canceled our business travel plans to non-critical meeting and attendance to all marketing or product events


  • Hand sanitiser and disinfection wipes are widely available across the business for our team to use, at their work stations and beyond
  • Our showrooms and offices are sprayed regularly each day with a natural blend of 41 essential oils with antibacterial properties
  • All shared work stations and facilities have been upgraded with additional hygiene products
  • We are encouraging our team to follow best hygiene practices as recommended by the World Health Organisation

Sales and Quotation

All Sales and Quotation services including Online, In-Store and At-Home are now available

Our at-home service is external survey only and is followed up by full design visuals and quotation via our Cloud Service or by post 

Our in-studio quotation service is available by Appointment Only with full health and safety procedures in our showroom, and only one person or family bubble at any time allowed


At-Home Surveys

We are carrying out at-home surveys five days a week, using social distancing, PPE and improved hygiene procedures 


Already in-progress installations pre-ordered projects have re-started and new orders are also being installed using social distancing, PPE and improved hygiene procedures

Product availability is slower than pre-COVID times and installation times on site are also a little slower as we take extra precautions


All outstanding Aftersales Service Enquiries have been contacted and new requests are being processed as usual

Please contact us via our online tools and submit pictorial support for your claim to help us expedite your help

Our aftersales service is carried out using social distancing, PPE and improved hygiene procedures

To confirm, our team is monitoring the situation very closely. We will keep you updated on the situation via this page and social channels, but if you would like to find out more information, please see the current government information and advice

We kindly request all visitors to our Window and Door Studio make use of either the Hand Sanitiser or our Soap and Water facilities upon entering our showrooms, and follow our distancing and hygiene procedures

Updated Advice from CERTASS and Government

Dear Certass member

Today we received further clarification on tradespeople working in homes from the Chair of the Competent Persons Forum. A copy of this letter has been sent to all Competent Persons Schemes in response to the question of whether tradespeople can work in people’s homes

Replacing windows and doors in occupied homes should not be undertaken at this time as this is discretionary rather than essential unless required to repair damage to ensure the building remains safe or warm

We have been asked to ensure that our members are aware that non‐essential replacement/installation works should not be undertaken until the lockdown is complete or the government has issued updated guidance

Where homes or premises are unoccupied or separate to the main building, then the guidance on construction sites which allows work to continue would apply, if social distancing can be maintained

Separation from the house would require a thermal divide – this means that work for many conservatories or roofline could be carried out. We have already provided via the Certass Trade Association a method statement for emergency works. The good news from Government that the peak is behind us and that the Prime Minister will lay out a plan for the relaxation of lockdown next week. We are currently working on guides for post lockdown circumstances where social distancing is still enacted, these will be published alongside Government announcements

We appreciate how difficult this is for all of our industry, rest assured we are working hard to represent you all, provide practical guidance and most of all ensure you and the general public are safe

We know Certass members are the best in the industry, stay safe and let’s show everyone else how good our industry can be

Reference links:

GGF The Safe Guide for Homeowners employing a glazing company to improve your home during the COVID-19 crisis

The Safe Guide for Homeowners

Employing a glazing company to improve your home during the COVID-19 Crisis by the GGF - Glass and Glazing Federation

GGF Safe Guide for Homeowners - Click to download